Business today reaches far beyond the old limits of geography; smart businesspeople are exploring and opening up markets around the world. The Pennsylvania International Trade Guide will help you assess your export readiness and provide you with the tools you need to develop and implement your export strategy. This site was developed by the World Trade Center of Greater Philadelphia and funded by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development.

Regional Export Network
Pennsylvania’s Regional Export Network
The Regional Export Network of international trade experts provides manufacturing and service firms with export development services, including market research, market entry strategies, global trade missions, educational seminars and access to grant programs.

Pennsylvania International Week
Pennsylvania International Week (PIW) is an annual program, organized in partnership with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of Community and Economic Development. During this week, Pennsylvania’s Authorized Trade Representatives (ATRs), covering major markets around the world, visit Philadelphia to meet with local companies and discuss export opportunities in their respective markets.

DCED Trade Events
Office of International Business Development
Center for Trade Development
Upcoming Trade Events