Is your Business Ready to Export?
This interactive Export Readiness Assessment (developed by Maurice Kogon) is designed to help you identify your company’s strengths and opportunities when approaching the decision to actively seek international business opportunities. The assessment is a series of 23 multiple choice questions which will gauge your readiness to export on four criteria:
• Export Resources
• Marketing Methods
• Management Commitment
• Product Potential
Here are a few important tips that will maximize the efficiency of your time on this site:
• Though not required, we suggest logging in prior to taking the assessment. This will not only help to facilitate future conversations with your Pennsylvania Regional Export Network (REN) Partner but will also save your results for your convenient reference at a later date.
• Answer the questions with the most accurate response possible. Doing so will result in generation of the best advice possible.
• To derive greatest value from this site, we suggest completing your company profile (available on the “my account” page). This profile has no bearing on the results of your Export Readiness Assessment but will provide your REN Partner with a much more in depth understanding of your firm and its goals while facilitating your access state funded export programs.